

I've always said, we all dream, its simply that we do not necessarily always remember them.

Setting the intention to have and remember a dream is one of the single most impactful practices that can be used to create more frequent dream recall. There may be a few of you that have actually been able to create the Lucid dream experience, the state of being aware that you are dreaming, while you are still within the dream. A few weeks ago I focused on some simple techniques for actually becoming lucid within the dream. This week I would like to focus on some of the things that you are able to do when you actually do find yourself awake in your dream.

There are many theories about what the dream realm actually is. Many believe that it is simply the subconscious mind; it is a microcosm of you. In that case, everyone or everything you encounter in the dream is somehow a creation from your mind. There are others who would argue that dreaming is part of the collective mind, meaning you are connecting to others in your dreams. Nevertheless, the experiences that you have when you are in the dream realm will help shape your own point of view.

Again, creating the intention about what you wish to happen in the dream is crucial. Recite your chosen goal in your mind before sleep. When lucid, repeat the phrase often “I’m dreaming.” These two simple tricks combined can have a considerable impact on your dream life. Its important to learn how to maintain the lucid state. Sometimes in the beginning, you may get so excited to realize that you are awake in the dream, that you startle yourself awake. Try to focus on something very ordinary in the dream if you feel this happening. The other thing is sometimes you may only be half lucid, at which time the dream may be very hazy yet you have an awareness that you are waking up inside of your own dream. If this happens ask for clarity immediately and affirm “I’m dreaming.” There is much more fun to be had in lucid dreams I’m going to suggest a few ideas to you now.

One of the simplest and most obvious things that you might do within the dream is to create every detail of your ultimate happy place; a positive environment where you can go at any time, during waking life, lucid dreams and meditation.


You have no limitations in this realm so your imagination can do anything you like. You can fill in magical landscapes with fantastic colors. You can build huge skyscrapers as tall as the moon. Just manipulating the environment all around you is so much fun. Discover your telekinetic power to shape and manipulate water. Create magnificent water sculptures. Play around with manipulating objects.

Once you have created the ideal scenery you probably want to test your powers to move around. The good news is that again there are no limitations. Obviously everyone in the dream realm at some point will leap off tall buildings and practice flying. Fly up to cloud level and observe the world below. The rules of gravity do not apply here. If you think yourself in a specific place you will instantly be there. This is the land of your unconscious mind. You get to create a world and then fly up into the sky and stand back to admire your vision. Its surreal. The next thing that is beneficial to do in your dreams is to interact with dream figures. You will come in contact with figures and you might want to ask them who they are. Sometimes when you meet someone in your dream, they will acknowledge that, yes they are a part of your mind and your creation. You will run into people who say that they are an abandoned part of you. I have had dark figures in my dream who I spoke with, only to learn that they were aspects of myself that were suppressed in my subconscious, who wanted to be integrated back into my conscious awareness. 

I have felt new gifts and creativity emerge or found that challenges just work themselves out after I have had these types of dreams.

Other times I have spoken to figures and they have let me know that they were not a part of my subconscious and that I was the one who was in their dream. Sometimes I have encountered people in the dream that I know were not asleep at that time. One theory to explain this is that there is a part of us that is always in the dream world. In general, I like to ask other dream characters questions that are on my mind. The answers that I get are always interesting and insightful. Often in the dream I will go to a beautiful garden and and specifically meet up with spirit guides, angels or deities. Or I will even interact with the deceased. If you chose to experiment with this, I would ask them if they have anything important they want to tell you.

Mutual dreams are when two people have the same dream. This is a state of dream telepathy Mutual dreams can be planned where two people actively work toward achieving one dream scenario. It is a way to improve communication and build trust. Mutual dreams can also be spontaneous. You find out that a friend, a significant other, faraway relative, or someone has had the same dream on the same night as you. Not much study has gone into the phenomenon of mutual dreams, but these are more likely to be a possibility when there is a very strong bond that exist between these two people. I have tried to practice this technique but have not yet been successful.

Another very well known thing that you can do in the dream is to experiment with dream healing.

This is a beautiful method for connecting with aspects of your body that may need specific support and you have not had any clarity around how to treat them. I have had solutions presented to me for healing very often in these types of dreams. Focus on the part of your mind or body that you want to fix. Experience that improvement in the dream world. Take note to how this translates in the waking world.

I have also read that healing for others can be done using this method. Meaning just as you could send loving and healing energy to someone in the waking world, you can also do the same in the dream world. If we all learned these methods imagine the difference this would make in our ability to become more self sufficient. We would all be able to awaken our bodies innate ability to heal itself. Your body is able to communicate to your mind through dreams. The dreams can alert you that something is not quite right with your body even before any physical symptoms show up. Dreams of this nature may provide you also with valuable insight for action to take once you are awake.

There are so many more ways to explore the dream realm. One that might not be obvious is just simply allow the dream to take you on an adventure, without attempting to control any aspect of it whatsoever. Simply remain lucid and open. This can be a beautiful journey where you are simply going with the flow. I hope these methods and ideas have inspired you to look more deeply into a world that many have written off as simply not worth exploring. Many of the greatest discoveries of our time came first in the form of a dream. As Edgar Cayce said, dreams are today’s answers to tomorrows questions.

“People think dreams aren’t real just because they aren’t made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories.


LoveLeann FloraComment