The 23-year-old artist Lous and the yakuza reveals new song “Tout est gore”, produced by El Guincho (Rosalía), out on Columbia Records. Listen to the track here.

“Tout est gore” follows the release of the current single “Dilemme” and its stunning video that both had an outstanding resonance in Europe. The French-lyrics song got the support from such tastemakers as BBC1 Annie Mac’s or trendsetting French fashion magazine Antidote to making its way to the top of the radio charts in Italy or Denmark.

“Tout est gore” is a trap song. “Tout est gore” is when it is so bloody that it becomes funny. “Tout est gore” is about living in the fast lane. Being extra in everything you do. Like life has been an extra bitch to you so many times. Laugh at it and live faster. Twerk stronger. Because this has been your sole way to exorcize your pain since forever.

Filming dancing bodies and capturing the emotion in the movement is Wendy Morgan - “Dilemme” and ”Tout est gore” video director - signature. Lous and Wendy Morgan’s collaboration has started with “Dilemme” and grown on “Tout est gore” video in which the choreographies and body sculptures are even more present. “Dilemme” and “Tout est gore” are the first two songs of Gore, Lous’ debut album that will be out in 2020

Sounds, TVJasmine JonesComment