
Simple Self-Care Practices to Adopt for Improved Mental Health

by Cheryl Conklin/ Wellness Central

From getting enough sleep to staying physically active, there are numerous ways to take care of yourself and your mental and physical health. Unfortunately, mental health doesn't always receive the same care level that physical health does, preventing many people from making their psychological well-being a priority. Still, putting your mental health first is easier than you think, and self-care is the channel you need to get there. Once you take the time to truly nourish your spirit, you'll notice a significant difference in the way you feel, how you see life, and the thoughts you're thinking. Courtesy of Epitome, here are a few overlooked self-care habits that can turn your mental health around for the better.

Photo by Charlie Watts Photography. It is part of a photography project curated by Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry and the photographer.

Photo by Charlie Watts Photography. It is part of a photography project curated by Tricia Hersey, founder of The Nap Ministry and the photographer.

  1. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Perhaps the most critical way to take care of yourself is to get enough quality sleep. In our culture, we often see sleep as a blank period in which we're not productive; however, our lives suffer if we don't get sufficient sleep. The complete list of mental health benefits sleep comes with is extensive: your stress reduces, your memory is sharper, and you're in a better mood. Ensure you get between seven and nine hours of sleep at night and that it is qualitative. If you're finding yourself waking up in the middle of the night with pain, your mattress might not provide you with the support you need. You might want to consider purchasing a mattress that will help you enhance your sleep. Rest is resistance against grind culture, learn more at The Nap Ministry.



2. It's Okay to Love Yourself

 Even though the saying "You cannot love someone until you know how to love yourself" is a cliche, it's entirely true. By adopting self-care practices into your daily routine and doing things that make you happy, you will start noticing a major impact on your mental health and the people and relationships around you. In addition, by not being continually stressed, upset, or anxious, you will have more of yourself to give and a better understanding of who you are as a person. So, do yourself a favor and love yourself without judgment. Epitome is one of the places that can help you get started and continue celebrating your divine feminine as an act of self-love; if you don't know how to get around this practice, make sure to browse the resources located on the website.



3. Don't Overestimate the Power of Doing Nothing

For many people (and perhaps for you too), relaxing means watching a favorite show. And although this is a great way to distract yourself from the daily stress and wind down at the end of the day, you should put some time away to do nothing at all. As per a report, deep relaxation and meditation reduce and eliminate simulation from our minds and decrease the levels of stress hormones in our blood. This loosens our fight-or-flight response and slows down our brainwaves, making us enter a state of complete relaxation.

One of my favorite Italian sayings is "Dolce far Niente", which means "the sweetness of doing nothing." It does not mean being lazy, it is referring to the pleasure one gets from being idle. The ability to completely enjoy and savor a moment.


4. Become Fiscally Responsible

One of the many crucial things you should do as you implement self-care is starting to be fiscally responsible. This means that you need to be careful with your money and ensure you use them in a way that helps you reach your long-term goals. It may seem that people who choose to be responsible for their finances are too focused on their money, but they are being smart about how they go about using it.

Being fiscally responsible can help relieve stress by focusing on what matters to enjoy our lives in the present and future. In addition, settled financial concerns can reduce the heart rate and blood pressure - it also leads to getting enough sleep, improving your self-esteem, and boosted mood. To effectively handle your finances, consider creating a budget, tracking your spending, and perhaps even refinancing your home. The latter option makes the home's equity drop, changing your monthly payment significantly or even releasing some cash. Be sure, though, to consult a financial advisor before signing any financial contracts.

The Bottom Line

Self-care is something that we cannot and should not have to compromise on. We all have our mental health to consider - we must nurture it by adopting a few or more healthy habits like getting enough sleep, loving ourselves, relaxing, and becoming financially responsible.