



  1. a condition of abundance or great ease and comfort sumptuous environment lived in luxury

  2.  something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary one of life's luxuries

  3. an indulgence in something that provides pleasure, satisfaction, or ease had the luxury of rejecting a handful of job offers — Terri Minsky

  4. the state of great comfort and extravagant living.

"he lived a life of luxury"

  • Similar:

  • opulence

  • luxuriousness

  • sumptuousness

  • richness

I have been and always will be an advocate for living in and attracting Abundance. I will always promote and support living a life full of luxury, opulence, and quality. Whenever I talk openly about quality and luxury, it is often associated with being a woman who is a “gold digger” or only out for material wealth. I choose to live a life of quality; that doesn’t mean that my desires are rooted in material greed. I aspire to shatter the illusions and false narratives that desiring luxury is a capitalistic construct because it is not. 

I find it incredibly disturbing that I am expected to downplay my life, who I am, and how I live to appear less loud, less flashy, and less than, period… Black women aren’t allowed the space to want more. We aren’t allowed the space to have standards, and when we do, we are told to think lower. When we voice our standards and desires, we are told: “Yea, that’s cool and all but stop relying on or expecting a man to do these things for you.” As if we aren’t educated, hardworking, and fully capable of affording a quality life on our own, without the help of a man. 

Why is that when we desire to live a life of comfort and beauty, we’re automatically thrown into a category of women who cater to capitalistic standards, and we have no goals outside of being material chasers? I’d like to be the one to redefine what luxury and Abundance looks like and how it is defined. Luxury is not solely rooted in material possessions and greed. 

Luxury, to me, is treating myself to opulent experiences. Luxury, to me, is catering to my mind, body, and spirit. Luxury, to me, is dedicated time to my growth, loving on the right people, celebrating life, and just being one with who I am as a woman. Luxury is me creating a life and living in a reality that does not require me to struggle. I don’t believe in the mindset that I have to avoid quality environments and experiences to be more grounded or appear more likable. I opt out of struggle. 

“I want more women, especially Black women to get comfortable with embracing luxury & quality. You are NOT more “humble” if choose to live “modestly” cause wtf is that even? Do boss shit, be proud and stand on it.”

 Amber Janae

Truth is, I notice that people are uncomfortable seeing Black women happily embrace a life of luxury. We’re not supposed to enjoy the finer things in life. We are not supposed to create quality living experiences even though we’ve worked hard for what we have. We’re not supposed to desire men or have partners who work just as hard, spoil us unapologetically and support who we are entirely. We’re not supposed to have beautiful things. It’s an ugly way of thinking to expect Black women or women in general to not seek more. I refuse to subscribe to anything that says I’m not allowed to be fully great.

What does a life full of Abundance and luxury look like to you? 

For me, an abundant life of luxury begins with quality love. Whether this is the love I show myself or the love I receive from others, I am not my best self if my life isn’t rooted in healthy, enjoyable love. 

One of the first questions I always ask myself is, “How are you receiving?” In other words, what I am doing to attract bigger and better things in my life. In my opinion, Abundance doesn’t always equate to material possessions. I like to make sure my soul is balanced enough to receive the right people and opportunities. I want to be sure that my mind is clear enough to be receptive to the proper channels that will bring an abundance of creativity and ideas to propel me forward career-wise. 

I can be feisty, so I often have to check myself and ask if my attitude is blocking doors or opening new ones. I think of life being controllable by our actions and our very own thoughts. The Law of Attraction is real. It can be a little too real at times. I have so much I wish to achieve, but realized that I’d have a hard time receiving the blessings I desire without certain shifts and changes in my everyday life. I cannot want more while continuing to subscribe to a mindset of lack. 

Here’s what to focus on to ensure you are creating space in your life for Abundance, luxury and prosperity in every aspect.

Evaluate How You View Yourself

How you view your life is an important key in manifestation. How you view yourself is even more important. If you don’t see yourself as someone who is worthy of living a life of comfort, abundance and luxury than how will you ever achieve it? Visualization is a key component in manifestation. Imagine yourself daily in your dream home, working the career field of dreams, being loved and loving the people who are meant for you. Always envision your dream life before it arrives.

And with visualization comes acting on what you desire. It’s not enough to desire luxury and abundance, you have to embody it as well. Act, talk, speak, live and breathe as if you the highest version of yourself. Do NOT say you’re an aspiring anything or you hope that one day… No, you have, you are and you will. Walk and talk with confidence. Affirm your life, say affirmations aloud daily, write them down where they are visible. You are that person so, live as that person. There is nothing you have to have first, you just simply need to be. Be confident and trust that if the desire lives within you, it is meant for you.

“Luxury, to me, is treating myself to opulent experiences. Luxury, to me, is catering to my mind, body, and spirit. Luxury, to me, is dedicated time to my growth, loving on the right people, celebrating life, and just being one with who I am as a woman. Luxury is me creating a life and living in a reality that does not require me to struggle.”

Learn to Practice Gratitude

You block what you don’t have by not celebrating what you do have. We all have to start somewhere. Even if your current living situation, job or whatever isn’t ideal, appreciate it all. Living without gratitude is a way to live forever unhappy. If you are always living for the next best thing, you can never be completely satisfied. When you live in a constant state of gratitude, you’re radiating a frequency that translates you’e open to receiving more.

If you’re constantly focused on the negative, living for the problem and not the solution, you’re blocking positive outcomes. You should always be recognizing the glory in the life you live. So what it hasn’t fully arrived yet. So what you haven’t reached your desired goal. So what the love, career, home or comfort hasn’t manifested yet, you don’t need physical evidence to be grateful for what you have now.

Shift Your Perspective

I live by the motto “Change your mindset, change your life.” Your thoughts are really powerful. Often what we think become words that are later regretfully spoken. There is power in the tongue and often our words become reality. One of the common things I hear when I speak on living an abundant, luxurious life is that it’s materialistic and people who live such a life often don’t have any morals or aren’t grounded spiritually. It is our birthright to live and breathe quality. When you’re convinced that you’re living wrong or you’re disconnected spiritually because you want a better life, it is time to shift your perspective. A quality life does not mean you’re living wrong. That perspective is an old and outdated mental construct. You are not required to suffer in order to be a servant to your creator & fulfill your life’s purpose.